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Ticketmaster Festival Guide and Tickets

The South London Beer & Cider Festival

The South London Beer & Cider Festival

Starts: 2nd Feb 2024

Fairfield Halls, Croydon

The perfect breaker for Dry January with 40 + Beers and Ciders to try



Beers from across the UK

Come join us to celebrate the South London Beer & Cider Festival in the Recreational at Fairfield Halls.This will be a great way to break your "Dry January" and kick start your 2024

Sessions run on Friday and Saturday Evening 6.00pm - 11pm

Ticket prices will include :

A FREE Commemorative glass to use and keep

A FREE pint of beer/ale or cider of your choice on arrival

Live music and live DJ sessions

Music in Session 1 - 6PM - 9PM - YUSUF


Music in Session 2 - 6PM - 9PM - MIKE GILL


Also Available:

Cocktails will be available from "Inspire & Create Cocktails"

A food selection available on the night for an extra charge from Tacos MX Fulham

Over 40 BEERS, STOUTS & CIDERS to come and try!!

£4.00 a pint or £2.50 a half pint with pre-paid tokens!!!

Alternatively, pay on the day by card £5.00 a pint and £3.00 a half pint

Walk Up tickets on the day will be £20 each - Be sure to get your discounted advance tickets here!!

Other alcoholic and soft drinks available for non-beer drinkers

This event is independently organised. We are not involved with CAMRA. 18+ ONLY to purchase tickets and enter the event.

Disabled Facilities: Yes, full wheelchair access